Important and Valuable Role of Discipline in Sikhism Sikhism or Sikhi is a monotheistic or panentheistic religion that originated in Punjab, India at the end of the 15th century CE. The followers of this religion are known as Sikhs and they believe in one God Waheguru, which means ‘Wonderful Lord’ or ‘Wonderful Teacher ‘. Sikhs are required to live their life by doing pure and righteous deeds and actions. The role of discipline in Sikhism is considered very essential as the tenth Guru believed in a disciplinary life for his followers. There are many activities a Sikh engages himself or herself to live by discipline like five Banis, five K’s, five thieves, five virtues, etc. Given are the disciplines and the role of discipline in Sikhism: Five Banis: Japji Sahib: This Bani was compiled by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, one of the first ten Gurus of Sikhs. This Bani forms the beginning of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which is regarded as the perpetual Guru of the Sikhs. Jaap Sahib: This forms the first part of the second holy book of Sikhs which is known as Dasam Granth. Anand Sahib: It is a compilation by the Third Guru, Guru Amar Das. Benti Chaupai: A short prayer composed by Guru Gobind Singh. Tav-Prasad Savaiye: A short prayer recited as part of the 5 Banis. Visit: role of divinity in Sikhism Five K’s: Every Sikh baptized as Khalsa vows to wear the five K’s – Kesh, Kangha, Katchera, Kara and Kirpan. Kesh – Uncut hair or beard, as given by go to sustain him or her in higher consciousness. Kangha – A wooden comb to take care of the hair as a sign of cleanliness. Katchera – To prove commitment to purity, Katchera i.e. especially made cotton underwear is part of five K’s. Kara – a steel circle, worn on the wrist, signifies the dedication and bondage to truth and freedom. Kirpan – It is a sword with the help of which the Khalsa is committed to righteously defend the Truth. Visit: Role of education in Sikhism Five Thieves: In Sikhism, the five thieves are known to be the major weaknesses of human beings. The presence of these five thieves is also present in earlier Indian mythology and philosophy. The five thieves are: Kaam – Sikh Guru instructed again to control lust and get rid of sexual desires. It is said that Kaam distracts one from becoming one with god. Krodh – Krodh which means anger is known to lead one to make poor decisions. A Sikh is to be in control all the time and have full control over his or her anger. Lobh – Lobh means greed and it is taught as one of the five thieves a Sikh should not entangle with and should stay away from. Moh – Sikh Guru says that ‘one should be aware of the fact that all of these friendships and emotional attachments we form are temporary and will wash away as everyone who takes birth also dies’. Ahaankar – Being in ego makes one forget God, his power and his will. Visit: importance of kirtan in Sikhism Five Virtues: 1. Sat – Being truthful and staying truthful no matter what, staying loyal and treating everyone with equality is the first virtue or quality taught in Sikhism. 2. Santokh – One should be happy and satisfied with what God has given him or her. 3. Daya – Daya means Compassion. One should help the person who is going through a tough time. 4. Nimrata – To be humble and modest with everyone at all times. 5. Pyar – It is important to have a love for God and all his creations. In general, it is important for one to have discipline. The role of discipline in Sikhism is considered a must because Sikhism is known to be a culture that follows their rules given to them by Sikh Gurus. In the life of an individual, practice gives harmony and order. Keeping well-defined laws is crucial for an ideal society. The various prayers and rituals Sikhs go through every day and the beliefs they follow require a high level of discipline. Role of Discipline in Sikhism: Discipline teaches them to take accountability and be respectful towards everyone. It helps a person gaining control over themselves. Self-restrictions help him or her to perform faithfully, rigorously and regulated. With the help of Sikh beliefs, it helps to understand both your inner and outer self. Internal capacity helps to distinguish between right and wrong. Discipline is important for personal development. It helps a person grow mentally and emotionally in both professional and personal life. With the help of prayers and meditation, it helps one to gain a positive outlook on life. Discipline present in Sikhism helps to be mentally strong which leads to dealing with difficult and stressful situations. Following discipline helps maintain social peace and build an ideal society. At our education center, Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender, we provide free education for underprivileged Sikhs. These centers not only teach kids about their culture but also show them the importance and need for discipline. The role of discipline in Sikhism plays a huge role in building an ideal society. There are nearly 83% followers of Sikhism all over India. Sikhs are always taught to live by the discipline that is provided to them by Sikh Gurus.
Importance of Value Based Education for Child development Value based education might as well be the education that prepares us to face a very important thing called ‘life’. It has been brought up many times that students need to be taught how to face real-life problems, like how to be more presentable, how to engage with the audience, how to pay taxes, etc rather than how to solve mathematical equations and chemical composition in Chemistry. Although that sort of education is very important career-wise, it is not useful when it comes down to surviving every day. Value Based Education is teaching that works with values. It helps to enhance the social and relationship skills and also helps in the academic success of a student. There are many examples that have proved the importance of Value Based Education and how it has helped many by giving a positive direction to students that help them shape their future or even made the students realize what they truly want. Education is the most important aspect of one’s life. But having the right kind of education with proper attention is also a necessity. Value Based Education has now become an undividable part of education’s system and it only improves the quality of it. There are many underprivileged kids that are in a dire need of education but due to one too many reasons like poverty, undeveloped villages, rural areas, the children are lacking from it. Even though this is a growing problem in India and also, in many other countries, some people are trying their best to try and lessen the effect this economic degrading has been causing on the education of children. Such organizations not only provide free education for the underprivileged but also, homeless kids who lost their homes during some natural crisis. Value Based Education is also given in such organizations alongside the regular textbook syllabus one needs to learn. Visit: why free education Parents always tend to expect their child to be in extracurricular activities rather than only studies. Life is all about balance and in the early years of education, academic and value based education are the things every student needs to balance. Although academic education teaches us basic things that would later help one choose a career path, value based education is a base of it all, the base of how to have your own moral values. This value based education teaches one how to make decisions, it builds a strong character and opinionated person who knows how to help mankind. It is a fact that every student now is going to be a citizen of the nation later. It is the responsibility of the education system to raise the future of this country in the right way. The youth should know the right and wrong of the real world, of the world outside of schools and colleges, and universities. The importance of value based education should be known to them. Value based education trains the student to face the outer world with the right attitude and values. This includes personality development, spiritual, character, and citizenship development. The underprivileged children are not, many times, provided with such education. There are so many schools that yet do not offer value education. But on the bright side, people are realizing how important it is and hence, there has been a huge change in the educational system since then. Like it is mentioned above, there are many organizations across India that provide free education for underprivileged children. Value based education is holistic for a child’s development and with help of such organizations, even children who would not have been able to afford the simplest form of education are able to learn the values of life and are turning into the youth this nation would want for it to become successful. Visit: role of education in sikhism Since value based education teaches one about morals and truth and gives training so that one can decide what is right and wrong, it has a few objectives that would help anyone and everyone understand the importance of Value based Education. Value education helps one know what responsibilities are needed to be followed to be a respectful citizen. Education, as everyone knows, is a backbone of society and if one is given value based education, he/she will learn to have patience, moral values and would also develop strong mental strength to fight difficult times. The importance of Value based education is needed to be accepted and understood and applied strictly to every school in the nation. It helps students develop their character, personality, and not only that but also, the morals and ethics that are required to be known by every one of us to be a successful and responsible citizen. Value based education helps to develop a better thinking pattern and a democratic way of living. It helps the students discover the best of themselves and this education encourages reflective and aspirational attributes and attitudes.
8 True Facts about Sikhism for Kids India’s cultural diversity is as beautiful as distinctly prominent. A country of fun and colorful festivals, it is designed solely to encourage and establish stable and healthy human connections. A nation where the meaning of fun is taken to the next level such that no program or celebration takes place without grooving to desi beats out of which Punjabi songs are a must. The state of Punjab is known for its lush green paddy fields, its jovial and friendly community, and the auspicious Golden Temple of the Sikhs. The Sikhs are a warm and welcoming community and because of this, they encourage the visits of people from different cultural, faith, religious, and ethnic backgrounds to their gurudwaras all over the world. This community has always believed in the service of humankind and proved this by performing charity and medical aid in distressed regions. One might be wondering, about how this community is so equally benevolent all over the world- the credit goes to their communal harmony and teachings propagated by their religious gurus centuries ago. They abide by these principles laid down by their gurus in their religious book known as the Guru Granth Sahib. Therefore, it would be interesting and essential for kids to read and know about these 8 true facts about Sikhism. Even though the religion being five centuries old, it is still freshly imbibed in the minds of people, and needless to say, they are passing this on to their next generations. Children, in general, have always found Sikhism to be this fun-loving, warm and welcoming community. This article is to propagate the simple and fine ideologies laid down by Sikhism for the younger generations to understand, adhering to which here are 8 true facts about Sikhism for kids: 1.Sikhs are not Hindus; therefore, Sikhism is an independent religion. They have their scriptures, rituals, and places of worship distinctive to other religions. 2. Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism who was born in the year 1469 in what is now in Pakistan, Kartarpur. He left his home at the age of 30 to preach about Sikhism and discuss religion with Muslims and Hindus. 3. Guru Granth Sahib is the holy book of the Sikhs, which contains the teachings, guidelines about the values and morale that are to be followed by everyone in the community written in the Gurumukhi script. Gurumukhi script describes God as genderless and “Nirankari” i.e., without form. 4. Sikhs worship Waheguru, the supreme deity in a Gurudwara. Gurudwaras are holy places where the Sikhs worship. A gurudwara can be identified with a dome-shaped monument with the Sikh Flag atop in yellow color carrying the symbol Khanda. The Sikhs along with whoever entering the gurudwaras remove their shoes and cover their heads (both men and women). 5. One of the most beautiful facts about Sikhism is that Sikh community is famous for their love for social service and their practice of serving langar or food. Sermons and worship end with the practice of serving free food or langar to the people for free and sometimes also to people beyond their community during times of need. 6. The Sikhs who abide by the teachings and preaching of Guru Nanak are baptized and pledge to refrain from consuming drugs, alcohol, and tobacco while also abstain from cutting their hair. To honor their faithfulness and devotion, the Sikh men are titled with Singh and women with Kaur. Visit: Role of Education in Sikhism 7. A devoted Sikh man wears a turban to cover his hair in honor of the devotion and faith towards their community. Both men and women carry Kesh (hair), Kangha (wooden comb), Kara (iron bracelet), Kirpan (iron dagger), Kuchera (special undergarments) for the long-lasting tradition and faith towards their religion. This is mostly followed by the Baptist members of the community. 8. Sikhs chant verses from their holy books on special occasions like marriage and festival and sometimes during major festivals like Guru Nanak Jayanti, the whole of the book is read which roughly takes 48 hours to complete. Children from the Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender are well versed in the sermons and teachings of the religion. The vast and rich cultural background of the community attracts people from all over the world to learn and gain knowledge from them. Sikhism is all about humanity and humanitarian deeds. It teaches us how to give it back to society after deriving everything from it. These 8 true facts about Sikhism is still seemingly less as compared to the vast number of feature it carries. Also read: Role of Divinity in Sikhism
Importance and Role of Education in Sikhism Education is not only a necessity but a right of every person, not only children. Literacy is the key to solving all problems. A person sans education is like a lock without a key. The importance of education is to tap and discover the talents one has not yet been able to encounter. Even though education is free under the public sectors in India, however, there have been times where it was unable to encompass every corner of this vast nation. Other times, the loopholes in the system were not taken care of because of which the students had to suffer. India is still struggling with illiteracy and dropouts. There are many communities and NGOs that have been establishing educational institutions and goals to eradicate illiteracy from the grassroots level. Apart from these civil organizations, the Sikh community has a knack for community and social service since time immemorial. They have been always giving back to society in every way possible. Be it feeding the needy, empowering women, employing, and training the youth, or distributing the gift of education to society. It is a well-coordinated and close-knit brotherhood that works for not only their people but everyone possible. They are always engaged in uplifting the downtrodden and needy when it comes to their people; they aim at spreading the knowledge, significance, and idea of we-feeling by virtues gained from their community. This is one of the reasons why they are stressing the role of education in Sikhism- to spread knowledge, awareness, and set an example for the virtues of learning. Sikhs are known for their hardworking nature but as we know the grass is not greener on every side because of which luck and wealth are unevenly distributed. To curb this problem, some Sikhs have joined hands to fulfill the dreams of those families by providing for their children’s educational facilities. It is said- to set an example is more important than giving your opinion. Therefore, this article elucidates the idea and vision behind the role of education in Sikhism but also the need for this noble cause. Uplifting the Underprivileged: It is said that uplifting and helping the less privileged sections of the society is the duty of the privileged and the influential but how many remain true to this ideology. The Sikh community has always been the flag barrier of social service and they have always made sure that no one should sleep empty stomach, at least not in their periphery. The step they have taken to provide free education to unprivileged Sikhs is a commendable one. Not only they are exempted from tuition fees, but they are provided free books and coaching. Visit: free education for kids Spreading Positivity: The community members aim at spreading equality and harmony among their people. This promotes positivity and good vibes that in turn motivates people to indulge in more welfare activities. Very often do we find people who help others not promote themselves or to establish a social status in the society but to genuinely support people the benefits and rights they deserve. Setting an Example: The prime motive of the community members is to set an example and spread awareness among the citizens of the nation that pure efforts to serve the people can never go wrong. They also want to convey that education is the ultimate key to nationwide growth and development and only wealth that can come in handy any time. Visit: Free education for unprivileged Sikhs Importance of Education: The way the community is constantly helping the people and establishing Vidya Kendra, they are imposing and emphasizing the fact that how important and education is for the survival and growth of a society. The more the number of educated people, the more is lesser is the rate of unemployment and poverty. Skill Enhancement: It is a known fact that skill and literacy are two similar but different things. However, to even identify a skill, one must use their presence of mind and wisdom to identify and develop this skill. Although this community constitutes the largest number of agriculturists, the education standards have become negligent for quite some time. After being alarmed at this fact, the community gathered to curb this problem immediately. Visit: free residential and educational institution for needy children All-round Education: When we speak about education, we not only aim at the academic syllabus but a knack at being multi-talented and this community aims at the very thing. Boys and Girls who were deprived of this facility can now make use of these facilities and indulge in extra-curricular activities as well. Removing the Class Difference: The difference induced via economic inequalities has always prevailed and the solution to this can be introduced by educating all in a way that these differences can ease up to a maximum level. Sometimes people should indulge themselves in community and social services not because they want to, or they cannot see others in pain, but the feeling of empathy and that the person also deserves to be equally happy and content as you. The emotion of empathy is found among very few people but certain communities like the Sikhs have proven to make it possible thereby inducing the role of education in Sikhism as a vital process and important step for progress. Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender works with a vision to raise every child to be an exemplary Gursikh, living a purposeful, active and dynamic life based on Honest Earning, Service (Sewa), Truthfulness, Meditation and good deeds.
Why Free Education for Kids is Imperative Literacy is an essential and mandatory skill to learn and inherit. It is not only the pathway to knowledge but also an important key to survival. The importance of this essential lifesaver is acknowledged by very few people because it becomes a challenging task to propagate the idea. The education scenario in India has a fluctuating condition- in some states, the literacy rates are very favorable whereas in some areas it is yet to be recognized as an important factor. School dropouts, lack of female students in the school are some of the major concerning issues that are creating roadblocks in making India a literate country. Free education for kids sometimes sounds too real to be true in a nation where the benefits are exhausted to the seams. Major constraints being financial crisis, educational institutions being located far away from the human settlement, weak and uneven transport, and communication system. It is a very vexing condition to see children succumb to these reasons and refrain from getting the quality education they dream of. Let alone getting a quality education, lack of teachers also sometimes makes the dream shatter as the teachers posted in these areas deny their posting finding it unbearable to commute and maintain their social life. The government fails to reach these remote areas due to less connectivity. The middlemen take advantage of these loopholes in the system thereby making the kids’ future a puppet show. Not getting much into the political debate- certain civil societies and bodies have joined and connected with the population of these remote areas and working day in and day out to fulfill the dreams of the children. One such community that has been working towards this noble cause is the Sikh community. The Sikh Community has always been indulged in social service so much so that it has become a brand name in the vast sector of social service activities. They have always helped the world in crisis, be it war, natural calamities, terror attacks, accidents- they have always lent their hearty and warm supports to the best of their interests. So, it is not a surprise that once again this community has come forward to curb the biggest global issue i.e., illiteracy. They are providing free education for unprivileged Sikhs. There are several reasons to provide free education for kids, to name a few in support of this article is jotted down below: Growth in Literacy Rate: This is one of the obvious reasons, there is nothing to predict about it. However, the main idea behind is to find the gems who can make wonders in the field of academic, science, art, technology, and commerce. Some of the hidden gems are among the ones who do not find or get the ray of hope very late. This educational scheme initiated by the Sikh community will act as the light at the end of the tunnel bringing hopes and smiles to many faces. Reducing Poverty and Unemployment: Financial constraints being one of the major reasons and setbacks for many children from pursuing education after a certain grade. These kids when sponsored by a free education scheme can not only reduce poverty and unemployment but can provide the best brains and ideas to the nation’s drooping knowledge scenario. Business and Commerce: Even though this is a noble act, it still is relevantly visible that this idea can bring forth healthy market competition among civil society organizations. The race of who can do the best is still a norm. In this race of being the best, the unprivileged are the ones that are going to benefit from the best. Encouraging Female Literacy: Once again, the major reason for female illiteracy was financial constraints. Indian parents are compelled to save up for their daughter’s marriage due to societal pressure rather than actually saving up for her education. It is not the parents who are to be blamed but rather the adamant and rigid social evils that are to be blamed. These events are rooted in society and will take time to be uprooted. If this idea of free education is lessening the burden of the parents- then why not! Visit: Sikh Humanitarian Society for Girls No matter how hard one may try, it is not an easy task to pull a free educational scheme managed single-handed by one community. Nevertheless, this colossal task of providing free education for kids will not only encourage the students to explore academically but will help India to emerge as the best in academics. Sri Guru granth sahib vidya kender is a free residential and educational institution to educate unpriviledged sikhs.
Importance of Kirtan in Sikhism Kirtan in Sikhism is described as chanting of Gurbani (The hymns from Guru Granth Sahib) alongside music being played with the help of Musical instruments like Harmonium, Sitar, Flute, sarangi, Tabla, etc. Sikhism gives great importance to Music and Kirtan in gaining spirituality, it is said that Sikh Gurus asked the people to recite Gurbani in form of Kirtan, which can help one achieve salvation in harsh times of kalyuga. It becomes a duty of a Sikh to recite Bani (hymns) in form of kirtan and encourage others to do the same. Music is considered to be a meditative activity, that helps us gain a peaceful state of mind and destress ourselves from worldly issues. Kirtan is simply, music incorporated with Gurbani to help humans recite it while being in a peaceful state of mind, that is a reason that there is a huge Importance of Kirtan in Sikhism. History: First Sikh Guru, “Guru Nanak Dev Ji” used to influence people and preach them Bani (The teachings coming from the supreme lord), while traveling the world alongside Bhai Mardana Ji( A follower), got to know that his follower can play Rabab,(a traditional musical instrument with strings), Guruji asked Him to play rabab, while guru Ji recited the Bani. This was the first time when Bani was being recited alongside music. This helped guruji to influence people while taking their minds out of worldly worries and issues. The Sikh Gurus also developed various instruments like the sarangi, the Rabab, the Dilruba, the Esraj, and the Pakhawaj. All these instruments have a great place in Sikh music. Kirtan not only helped Sikhs to recite Gurbani in a musical way but also encouraged them to practice music in their daily lifestyle. The Dilruba is considered to be developed by the Tenth Guru of Sikhs “Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji” for Doing Kirtan. At the times, when Sikhs were being guided by Gurus in human form, it was advised for everybody to learn Music and martial arts alongside each other, as one activity teaches us to gain physical stability and the other help at the mental and spiritual level. Shabad-Kirtan (communal singing of hymns from Sri Guru Granth Sahib), has great importance in Sikhism. It becomes important for a Sikh to chant Gurbani alongside the Raagi jatha (religious singers), or do it by himself, as it is the way to move a step closer to salvation. Visit: Role of divinity in Sikhism Ragas: Raags are improvised musical forms or melodies which follow a specific structure or formula to create a sense of being in a pleasant state of mind. Ragas have great importance in Indian Classical Music, and so in Sikh music as well. It helps a singer to create a beautiful environment for the audience and be lost in the essence of music. Different Ragas are considered to be played at different times in a day, as its complex melody formation works specifically to a particular time in a whole day. For example, Raga Bhairav is usually played in the morning or Sikh terms, it is played at the time of crack of Dawn i.e, Amritwela. Similarly, every raga has its own particular time and melody structure. Meditation, Spirituality, and Kirtan: Sikhs practice Sikhism by Following “Rehat Maryada” which enriches their life-style with positivity. The optimistic and spiritual life approach can be only be realized with the help of Meditation and concentration. Listening to melody is also considered a type of meditation because while listening to music our mind reaches a state of mind where we are calm and experience internal peace. Similarly, Kirtan is chanting of Gurbani with the melody which not only helps us to meditate and focus but also teaches us the great lessons from Guru Granth sahib. Kirtan is the practice of singing hymns and focusing upon the essence of Gurbani with the whole heart and soul. A different way to practice religion, achieve salvation and merge with god. It becomes necessary for today’s generation to assimilate religious practices into their daily lives and stay in touch with spirituality. This could only be attained via integrating normal education with Divinity, which will result in a stronger foundation of religion for the future generation. It is the responsibility of every Sikh to spread the word of the Lord and let others also benefit from it. To reach this goal of teaching young and old about the ways Sikh practice Sikhism, the importance of Kirtan, and the necessity to study the history of Sikhism, the management decides to give free education to a deprived part of the Sikh community. This is done by operating religious-educational institutes, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender, sangeet academies, and other small divinity education complexes. These places help the Sikh community to learn and dive deep into the essence of Sikhism, the way Divinity helps us to learn more about the religion. We get to learn more about the Importance of Kirtan, in Sikhism and the life of a Sikh as well. There are different ways for a Sikh to stay affixed with Sikhism and lead a life of honesty in accordance with Gurbani and the teachings of Gurus. As we move forward and enhance ourselves, we become more conscious, focused, spiritual, and better versions of ourselves, all this by practicing Sikhism and walking on the right path to attain salvation.
Role of Divinity in Sikhism and Modern World Divinity can be defined as “The Study of Religion”. It is a way to learn more about religion, its practices, its teachings with its history and present significance in the world. Divinity is also described as anything coming from the supreme lord, something divine. But, more commonly it is studying religion or doing a comparative study of different religions. The role of divinity in one’s life is important to gain insightful knowledge of religion by learning, understanding, and practicing. The main motive to study religious ways is either to dive Deep inside the religious practices for gaining personal spirituality or to learn more about the different religions, to find similarities and differences among multiple religious practices. How Divinity in Sikhism Started? Sikhism is a religion which was originated in India, and the study of Sikh scriptures amongst European scholars started in the late 19th century. This allowed the scholars to translate and understand “SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB” and learn the ways practiced by Sikhs to gain spirituality insightfully. “Sri Guru Granth sahib”, the Holy eleventh Guru of Sikh religion in form of written scripture, was first translated into English by Sardar Gopal Singh and the translated document was published in 1960. This has helped people understand Sikhism worldwide, in different languages. This also helped indigenous Sikh people from India who were practicing Sikhism, to learn about their religion from a different perspective. This revolutionized the idea of introducing Divinity as an optional spiritual subject in school education for making teenagers learn about religion and practice the fundamentals of Sikhism from an early age. Spreading the preaching of Holy Sri Guru Granth sahib is important and a crucial lifestyle objective of Sikhs to learn and spread the learnings, for others can also benefit within this life and life beyond death. This objective could only be achieved with correct management and knowledge distribution among youth which is the foundation of the future. The Sikh management committees decided to prepare a curriculum for school children and also initiated teaching scholars from every age, gender, and nationality in specially designed by Sri Guru Granth Sahib vidya kender (institution) for teaching the learnings of holy Guru Granth Sahib and the ways Sikh practice their religion. Divinity & Modern World: In today’s modern world, where people are detached from religious practices and are not able to live their lives with devotion to the true lord, it becomes necessary to introduce new ways of incorporating religion into our lives. This can help us improve our lifestyle and achieve a peaceful state of mind which in turn affects our lifestyle in a positive way which reflects from our changed perspective of living life. Divinity in Sikhism has a crucial role in spreading the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in a simplistic sagacious way. Divinity makes us view the true nature of religion in an intuitive manner. Sikhism allows us to be our best selves and achieve salvation. Some Teachings of Sikhism are as follows: There is one supreme lord, the mightiest, and the whole universe works in his will. The Human form is only achieved after a great cycle of births and deaths. The goal of human life is to achieve salvation by living a life of honesty and purity. Humans must remember God while living their lives each alongside maintaining a crucial balance between their spiritual and temporal duties. Sikhism denounces supernatural beliefs and other rituals like Fasting, Worshiping dead, Idol worship, etc. It preaches that every human, belonging from a different caste, religion, nationality, or gender is equal in front of the supreme lord. The real path to gain salvation and merge with God does not need renunciation of the world but living a simple life while earning with honesty and hard work alongside keeping away from worldly sins. There are other many such teachings which are needed to be learned for becoming better versions of ourselves. Divinity may help us find our way back to our true nature of humanity. The Divinity allows us to know that religion is not a restriction to our lives but a way to explore more about ourselves and god in depth. Visit: Courses Offered by Vidya Kender Sikhism & its Evangelization: It’s an important objective to lead a truthful and spiritual life while helping others do the same, which can only be achieved by spreading the teachings from Sri Guru Granth Sahib means of evangelization of Sikhism. The Role of Divinity is to help our youth to understand the religion and lead an exemplary life with truthfulness and honesty. All of us need to learn new ways to live a spiritual life and incorporate divinity. It can help the adults and elderly people to view the religion broadly and understand the true meaning of Sikhism alongside helping the younger generation become a strong foundation for the coming future and Sikhism. With a mission to provide holistic natural environment for unprivileged Sikhs, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender has two registered societies viz Sri Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender Society for Boys & Sikh Humanitarian Society for Girls.