Admission Admission opens on Ist April every year. Minimum age is 14 years. Preference will be given to needy students who have passed 10th or 12th Class. 8th Class pass students will also be considered who have certificate for the same. The students seeking admission should be able to read and write Punjabi in Gurmukhi script and know how to tie turban. It is mandatory for each and every student to learn Gurbani/Sikh history/ Sikh philosophy in first year. Parents/Guardian have to take responsibility of good character and conduct of student. They must sign the declaration/undertaking for the same. Students are permitted to go on leave under very special circumstances for a very short period. Download the admission form, complete all requirements/documents and submit in Guru Granth Sahib Vidya Kender office in Chatterpur, New Delhi. Download Admission Form