Book A Sewa Programme Booking Form (Note : Booking will be confirmed on Phone By SGGSVK) Name Email Contact No. Address Type of Function—Please choose an option—Akhand PathSehaj PathKirtanAnand KarjLangarPath Sukhmani SahibAntam ArdssAny Other Timing of Function Place of Programme—Please choose an option—Vidya KenderAt your Home/Office Requirement—Please choose an option—Palki & Baba Ji Da SaroopDariesBed SheetsAny Other Transport—Please choose an option—Will be provided by FamilyTaxi If Langar No. of Guests of family+200 students & staff of Vidya Kender Menu of Langar (Only Vegetarian) Normally : One seasonally Vegetable, One Dall ( Kali Dall, Chanae Masaale wale, Rajmah etc.), One Panir Item ( Mattar-Panir, Palak Panir), Chapati, Rice, Dahi Bundi, Salad, Khir etc. Δ